Impressions: caramel, grapes, milk chocolate, baking spices
Roast degree: light medium (3.5/5)
Country: Colombia
Department: Huila
Variety: Pink Bourbon, Castillo, Caturra, Colombia, San Bernardo
Process: washed
Decaffeination: EA process
Farmers: Jose Burbano, Jose Erazo, Eliecer Nunez, Miguel Ortega, Mayerli Trujillo, Rober Montanchez, Wilmer Galindez, Alvaro Galindez, Juan Pablo Ortega, Fredi Ortega, Victor Ortega, Maria de Socorro Ortega, Edwin Burbano, Jenaro Burbvano, Yuri Montanchez: all from the Monkaaba buying group.
Partner importer: Semilla Coffee
What's the EA process?
Washed coffees are delivered milled to the decaffeination plant where they are first steamed to remove silver skin before being moistened to open the pores of the seeds. The seeds are then submerged in a sugarcane-derived ethyl acetate solution which strips the caffeine into the solution.
It is then steamed again to remove the ethyl acetate. As the coffee is still wet, it is dried again to achieve the desired moisture content.
The Monkaaba producer group
A smallholder coffee grower empowerment initiative whose goal is to assist other growers in the area to not only find a better market for their coffee, one that pays a solid price, but also to invest in the knowledge and skill of producers in a way that ensures their future success while making them more autonomous.